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Sometimes not all the ads display in each ad unit – for example there will only be 2 ads in the medium rectangle ad unit instead of 4. Is this normal? ...
Peter asks: Sometimes not all the ads display in each ad unit – for example there will only be 2 ads in the medium rectangle ad unit instead of 4. Is this normal?

We say: Yes, this is normal. With expanded text ads, AdSense technology automatically displays fewer ads when we determine that larger ads will perform better on a particular page. This should improve monetization for you.

Wayne asks: The Inside Adsense blog says that publishers can maximize their income by having multiple ad units on their web pages. Is this new? Last year I got an email from Google telling me that I wasn't allowed to have more than one ad unit per page.

We say: Yes, on each page of your site AdSense is now able to support up to:

Chris asks: How does AdSense treat websites using frames?

We say: In order to use AdSense on a frames-based page, you'll need to follow two steps. First, when generating your AdSense ad code, make sure to check the 'Framed page' checkbox. Next, you'll need to paste your AdSense code in the primary content frame of your site. Pasting the AdSense code in the same frame as your site content allows our crawlers to understand your page and serve relevant ads accordingly.

We're happy to announce that international AdSense publishers can now refer users to Firefox plus Google Toolbar. A Firefox sub-tab will be visible to all publishers when they visit the "Referrals" tab in their AdSense account. For all the details on Firefox referrals, visit our ...
We're happy to announce that international AdSense publishers can now refer users to Firefox plus Google Toolbar. A Firefox sub-tab will be visible to all publishers when they visit the "Referrals" tab in their AdSense account. For all the details on Firefox referrals, visit our FAQ.

Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. publishers! Due to the holiday, it may take us longer to respond to your emails, but we will be back in action next week.

Happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. publishers! Due to the holiday, it may take us longer to respond to your emails, but we will be back in action next week.

Last week I was fortunate enough to represent Google AdSense at Pubcon 10, the WebmasterWorld conference in Las Vegas. It was great to meet some of our publishers in person and hear their feedback on AdSense features.
Last week I was fortunate enough to represent Google AdSense at Pubcon 10, the WebmasterWorld conference in Las Vegas. It was great to meet some of our publishers in person and hear their feedback on AdSense features.

Several publishers showed me their sites and asked for tips to boost revenue. I know we've covered some of these tips before, but based on some of the questions I received at Pubcon I want to reiterate my top 3 recommendations:

1. Consider the AdSense heat map when choosing your ad placement (and don't forget our heat map for forums post from October).

I saw several sites where Google ads were hidden away in the header or below the fold. Placing ads where users are more likely to see them is one recommendation we give publishers who want to improve their clickthrough rates.

2. Use channels.

You won't know which ad formats and placements are performing best on your site until you track stats separately using channels. This knowledge can help you experiment smartly when optimizing your site.

3. Try link units.

Many publishers don't know much about them, so they don't use them. But for many publishers, link units have become an important source of revenue. I recommend trying them out - and make sure to use channels to track your earnings so you'll know how link units are performing relative to your traditional ad units.

With 11 ad formats to choose from, you've got a lot of options. To narrow it down, first identify which formats will fit the ad space on your site. From there, you can choose the ad unit that'll perform best for you.
With 11 ad formats to choose from, you've got a lot of options. To narrow it down, first identify which formats will fit the ad space on your site. From there, you can choose the ad unit that'll perform best for you.

In general, the best formats are the wider ones – the ad formats that contain the widest individual ads. Try using the 336x280 large rectangle, 300x250 medium rectangle, or 160x600 wide skyscraper.

My tip? Consider which ad formats currently support image ads (more advertisers bidding on your pages = more potential revenue for you!). Choose either the 300x250 medium rectangle or the 160x600 wide skyscraper -- or both, if you display multiple ad units on a page. See here for other formats that support image ads.

For advanced publishers: If you have the time to test and can fit both a 336x280 large rectangle and 300x250 medium rectangle on your site, try rotating between these two formats and using custom channels to track which performs better. The best way to know which avenues will make the most revenue is to test them out on your own.

UPDATE: Sorry, the Onsite Advertiser Sign-up feature is no longer available.

Many of you have been asking for the ability to sign up advertisers directly from your pages. Starting now, you can do just that with Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up. Using this feature, your ad units will display an 'Advertise on this site' link that takes interested advertisers to a landing page where they can quickly create an AdWords account and ad targeting your site. Ads created through this channel will automatically target your site and only your site. More advertisers competing for your ad space means more revenue for you.
UPDATE: Sorry, the Onsite Advertiser Sign-up feature is no longer available.

Many of you have been asking for the ability to sign up advertisers directly from your pages. Starting now, you can do just that with Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up. Using this feature, your ad units will display an 'Advertise on this site' link that takes interested advertisers to a landing page where they can quickly create an AdWords account and ad targeting your site. Ads created through this channel will automatically target your site and only your site. More advertisers competing for your ad space means more revenue for you.

Beginning today, you can customize the landing page advertisers will see with your logo, color scheme and site description. Just follow these simple steps.

Shortly after you customize your landing page, 'Advertise on this site' links will begin appearing in your ads and you can begin signing up advertisers. Starting within a couple weeks, your ad units will begin displaying 'Advertise on this site' links automatically, so if Onsite Advertiser Sign-Up isn’t right for you, you can opt out before then by visiting the My Accounts tab. Want to learn more? Take our guided tour.

Robin Liss, founder of CamcorderInfo.com, turned AdSense into a major source of income for her business by using AdSense channels to experiment. Specifically, adding ad link units in some areas "provided as much as a 300 percent increase in revenue." See our ...
Robin Liss, founder of CamcorderInfo.com, turned AdSense into a major source of income for her business by using AdSense channels to experiment. Specifically, adding ad link units in some areas "provided as much as a 300 percent increase in revenue." See our case study for more information.

I wake up around 5:45, and usually that's with a smile on my face. Not only do I work at a great company, but my job sits at the intersection of our users, advertisers, and publishers. How cool is that?
I wake up around 5:45, and usually that's with a smile on my face. Not only do I work at a great company, but my job sits at the intersection of our users, advertisers, and publishers. How cool is that?

If my 3-year old son is awake (and he usually is), I spend a little time with him. Often he's lively enough to awaken his older brother too, and so I heat up their milk, get them pointed in the right direction, and let my wife catch a few extra zzz's with the baby.

At about 6:45, I leave the house to catch the Google shuttle bus at 7, where I can catch up on email (oh, yeah, it has wireless, baby!) or work on offline projects. Typically I arrive around 7:45 and begin my day with some Lucky Charms (they're magically delicious and surprisingly low in calories). After that, the first thing I do is to support customers by reviewing new publisher applications and responding to publisher questions.

Like my colleague Spencer, my favorite dish here is the carne asada burrito, but I have a rule that my inseam:waist ratio must remain greater than 1. Thanks to the great food here, that ratio is in danger of creeping lower – so to avoid the purchase of more pants, I have lately switched to salads.

My days are filled with a variety of projects and tasks – I'm on a team that focuses on product innovations, support efficiency initiatives, and network expansion projects.

I usually catch the 6:30 PM shuttle home. While I catch up on email once more, I'm already looking forward to the best part of my day: opening the front door to see the boys come running at me with the big Welcome Home Hug (and the big Welcome Home Takedown). It's salad for dinner (ratio considerations), after which I help bathe the kids and prepare them for bed between 8 and 8:30.

Then I spend some time with the baby, read, do some work, talk with my wife. Some evenings I work on the draft of a letter to the Pope seeking canonization for her – every day, she adroitly deals with 3 less-than-5-year-old boys. Indeed, as I am choosing between a Greek salad and carne asada, she is choosing between chunky and creamy peanut butter.

I hit the sack around 11 and dream about delivering such great support to our AdSense publishers that they never need to wait – even a minute - for an answer.

Like cookies and milk, Blogger and AdSense make a great pair. In fact you might remember when we posted about a new integration of Blogger with AdSense that makes it easier for bloggers to sign up with AdSense and customize the ads to their blog.
Like cookies and milk, Blogger and AdSense make a great pair. In fact you might remember when we posted about a new integration of Blogger with AdSense that makes it easier for bloggers to sign up with AdSense and customize the ads to their blog.

Those of you who sign up for AdSense through Blogger may notice that public service ads appear on your blog right away. That's standard until you've verified your email address and your application has been approved - usually within 2-3 days. Once you're in, your pages will begin displaying targeted Google ads.

If you're interested in using AdSense, but don't have a website, you can use Blogger to create your own blog on which you can display Google ads. If you're already using Blogger, but don't have an AdSense account, we encourage you to apply to start seeing revenue. (Adding Google ads to your blog is easy.)

I recently moved from England to Germany. How do I make sure I don't miss my check?
Emma (UK) asks: I recently moved from England to Germany. How do I make sure I don't miss my check?

We say: If your address has changed within a country, you can simply update the information in your AdSense account by going to the 'Payee Information' section on the "My Account" tab. If, however, you are changing countries, you will not be able to change the country field in your current account, for identity protection and tax purposes. You need to:

1. Place your current account on payment hold so that your check is not sent to your old address in England
2. Email us with the answers to the following three questions:

  1. What was the amount of your last AdSense payment?
  2. What was the first day you received a page impression?
  3. How many page impressions did you get on your first day?

3. Close your existing account, and
4. Submit an application for a new account with your new address in Germany.

We will do our best to make the transition of your account as quick as possible so that our part of your move will go smoothly.

Robert (France) asks: I have a French website as well as my English language site. Is there enough of an ad inventory for French to use AdSense on both sites?

We say: We have extensive ad inventory for all 18 supported languages including both English and French, and AdSense will automatically detect the language of your pages. All you have to do is paste the AdSense code on your French pages and you will start to see relevant ads there as well.

Stefan (Germany) asks: I got my first payment from you but I did not get a statement of earnings that I can submit at the tax office. Can you send me one?

We say: At this time we don't issue any statements of earnings, invoices or similar documents for our publishers. For your records, we recommend printing your bank account statements or copying your check before cashing it. It may also be useful to print the detailed information regarding your earnings in your AdSense account on the pages 'Advanced Reports – Ad Performance', 'Advanced Reports – Search Performance' and in your 'Payment History' page.

Danijel (Croatia) asks: When will AdSense be available in Croatian?

We say: AdSense for search is now available in Croatian. Feel free to sign up for an account here.

In our newest case study on Tim Carter from Askthebuilder.com, we explore how Tim was able to increase his website revenue from $10,000 a month to $30,000 a month through Google AdSense. We also provide some insight into his optimization techniques for advanced publishers.
In our newest case study on Tim Carter from Askthebuilder.com, we explore how Tim was able to increase his website revenue from $10,000 a month to $30,000 a month through Google AdSense. We also provide some insight into his optimization techniques for advanced publishers.

We had the pleasure of meeting Tim in person a few weeks ago when he visited our Mountain View campus. Here he is in a picture with a few members of the AdSense team.

Since we launched referrals last week, we've received a number of publisher questions about this new feature. So, we thought we'd clarify a few of the top issues that we continue to see ...
Since we launched referrals last week, we've received a number of publisher questions about this new feature. So, we thought we'd clarify a few of the top issues that we continue to see:

Will Firefox plus Google Toolbar referrals be made available to publishers outside the U.S.?

Currently, Firefox plus Google Toolbar referrals are only available for U.S. publishers. However, we're continuing to improve the referrals feature and hope to make Firefox referrals available to international publishers soon.

UPDATED: Firefox referrals are now available internationally.

Can publishers use language endorsing AdSense or Firefox plus the Google Toolbar (e.g., "I use Firefox with the Google Toolbar and recommend it to other web users")?

Including such language is fine. However, as with AdSense for content, publishers should not use language encouraging clicks on your referral buttons (e.g., "Click here", "Visit these links", etc). The AdSense program policies is the best place to find more specific information about referral policies.

What happens if a user who clicks on the Firefox referral button already has Firefox?

In this situation, the user will be redirected to the Google Toolbar for Firefox page. Because we only count referrals for Windows users who have not previously downloaded Firefox, this will not appear as a Firefox conversion in your reports.

We've made it easier to spread the word about AdSense with referrals, our newest feature. Not only can you connect friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers with AdSense, but you can generate more earnings in the process.
We've made it easier to spread the word about AdSense with referrals, our newest feature. Not only can you connect friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers with AdSense, but you can generate more earnings in the process.

It's easy: Visit the new "Referrals" tab in your AdSense account.

Pick out a referral button, and add it to your site. Users who sign up for AdSense through your referral button will learn about a great product, and you'll have a new way to generate revenue - $100 when each user you refer first earns $100.

In addition, if you are a U.S. publisher, for Firefox with Google Toolbar referrals we will pay up to $1 per referral the first time a user installs Firefox. (We hope to make this available soon to international publishers.)

UPDATE: Firefox referrals are now available internationally.

You might make frequent changes to the position and design of your ads, but it isn't often that you completely redesign your website. The next time your site is due for a full makeover, take a tip from ...
You might make frequent changes to the position and design of your ads, but it isn't often that you completely redesign your website. The next time your site is due for a full makeover, take a tip from Engineeringtalk and incorporate what you've learned from your AdSense optimization.

Engineeringtalk has been a successful AdSense publisher since June 2003. When the site's old design needed a rethink, the team went back to basics on the site navigation and structure. Realizing that the vast majority of visitors reached the site through search engines, editor Chris Rand wondered: "Why are we prioritizing on helping visitors find their way around the site when they've already come straight in to what they're looking for?" Moving site navigation from the prime ad positions - across the top and down the side - to a more logical place gave the team more options for ad placement.

Next, the team experimented with AdSense designs, focusing on optimization through typography and placement. They found the biggest influence on CTR was the similarity between the AdSense type (size and font), and the main body text of the page. The more similar the type, the higher the CTR.

The Engineeringtalk team found little difference in CTR between between left-versus-right positioning. So they opted for the right side, which proved useful a few months later, when the final piece of the jigsaw arrived - the introduction of link units. After another round of testing, it was no surprise that the link units worked best in the "prime position" as seen on the "heatmap". The new design can be seen here.

From his experience, Chris learned that it's best to incorporate your ads into redesign discussions right from the start. After experimenting with a new redesign he walked away with this new perspective:

“The recommended positions for AdSense ads are a great place to start, but don't assume they'll automatically be the best for your site, which is unique. Even more important, however, is the relationship between the typography of the AdSense ads and your site's design. Ask yourself if your website's current fonts, font sizes and colors are really that important to you, or if you'd be prepared to change them for better AdSense results!"